The Mission
Nate’s Mission is to pave the way for a just and effective transition to a world where sexual abuse by representatives of the church and the cover-up of such abuse is no longer possible. The Mission is a survivor-led movement that seeks the full recognition of victims, accountability for offenders and those who enabled them, and reconciliation through truth-telling that transforms and strengthens the public good. The Mission is committed to dismantling the structural mechanisms that allow abuse through the principles of transitional justice.
What is Transitional Justice?
Transitional justice is a process used around the world to respond to any widespread and systematic violation of basic human rights. It seeks the full recognition of victims and the use of democratic means to reform and repair institutional structures and practices that enable and sustain these violations.
Transitional justice has six key components:
The establishment of Truth Commissions, legislative hearings, or public testimony from victims and others to investigate and report on key periods of incidents of abuse
Initiatives to repair the material and moral damages to victims and communities subjected to widespread abuse
Investigations and prosecutions of individuals who committed human rights violations and leaders who are responsible for authorizing or concealing the abuse
Focus on marginalized communities and individuals who have been denied access to justice and reparations
Transforming any political, social, or religious institutions involved in abuse from an instrument of corruption and harm to insurgents of public service and integrity
Archives, museums, memorials, and public art that preserve the public memory of victims and raise moral consciousness about abuse as a stronghold against its recurrence
About The Mission
The Mission is leading a historic coalition of survivor activists, faith leaders, academics, and human rights advocates to reform secular and church institutions where there is evidence of widespread sexual abuse and institutional cover-up. By helping faith communities and organizations to fully embrace the fundamental principles and protections of universal human rights, the Mission will promote the religious liberty of children, free from the threat of criminal sexual violence or harassment, especially from those appointed to minister and care for them.
The Mission Objectives
Secure a commitment from the Wisconsin Attorney General to open a statewide inquiry into sexual abuse in faith-based organizations.
Ensure completion of a state-wide inquiry and investigation into abuse in faith-based organizations and oversee production of a final report and recommendations.
Empower survivors of clergy abuse by connecting them to support systems, mental health treatment, and pastoral care.
Develop and apply a model of investigation and inquiry that can be replicated in other states and countries.